Non woven bags allowed by other countries

Published On: 07-Jun-2022

We have established that PP non woven eco friendly bags are the solution for the number one hazardous environmental problem, we are talking about the kind of pollution that affects almost everything, from humankind to animals to birds to nature to the air we breathe and the food we eat, everything.

It is commendable to see how non woven bags are accepted worldwide to prevent environmental damage and to think rationally and sustainably, using one non woven bag against thousands of plastic bags can help in lessening the biodegradable waste and is also said to be cost-effective, moreover, non-woven bags are characterized as more convenient and preferable compared to plastic bags, because they are wear and tear-resistant, strong and sturdy enough to carry the weight effortlessly, which makes your experience easy and comfortable.

PP Non woven eco friendly bags are accepted and appreciated worldwide because when we think about it, we are the ones who need to think about our future generations and surroundings smartly and judiciously.

1. Kenya

Kenya faces a similar problem due to excessive use of plastic bags, tens of millions of plastic bags are handed out in supermarkets every year, which further affects the environment in all the ways mentioned above and clogged up drainage systems contributing to floods during rainy seasons, after that Kenya decided to choose a smart alternative and switch to multipurpose and eco-friendly bags that will help in making a healthy living. If the citizens of that country defied the orders and were found using plastic bags, then they were fined quite an amount to compensate, as it should be, the companies started to use fabric-based non-woven bags to better their living.

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2. New Jersey

The "Bag Up NJ" campaign took place in New Jersey with a prime focus on extracting plastic bags from the picture, On Nov. 4, 2020, Governor Phil Murphy and the New Jersey Legislature enacted the most progressive bag ban law. The law prevents litter and encourages reusable bags by phasing out single-use plastic and paper bags. Because of this campaign, many citizens were educated and encouraged to bring out non woven shopping bag and make the best out of their experience because these shopping bags are eco-friendly. Still, they are spacious, modish, and vibrant.

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3. US

As a result of a successful campaign, I’m Not a Plastic Bag tote, held in the US, many people were convinced that non woven bags are way more eco friendly and preferable than plastic bags for various reasons, first being that they are an excellent tool for marketing, your customers carry your brand every day, everywhere. They are not only reusable, but they give more chic and aesthetic vibes to the users. The campaign strongly believes in the reusability of the bags.

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4. Australia

The Australian Capital Territory (ACT) banned plastic bag usage in 2011. Banned plastic bags and started using polyethene polymer non-woven bags less than 35 microns thick while encouraging the citizens to bring their shopping bags to reduce pollution.

5. Singapore

To dig further into the severity of environmental hazard, Scientists from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore laid out intricate research on the ill effects of using not so environment friendly type of bags, the team carried out a life cycle analysis of five types of bags to evaluate the environmental impacts associated with their production, distribution, transportation, waste collection, treatment, and end-of-life disposal, out of which Reusable plastic bags made from polypropylene non-woven plastic were the most eco-friendly and economical option.

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6. Abu Dhabi

From June 1st, 2022, single-use plastic bags are completely off cash counters in Abu Dhabi, this initiative will fall under the name ‘Abu Dhabi Single-Use Plastics Policy’ with this, people are expected to use a more eco-friendly and sustainable alternative, like polypropylene non-woven bags for the betterment of their surroundings, these bags are affordable and easy to carry. Dr Shaikha Al Dhaheri, EAD secretary-general wisely said that “We owe these changes in behaviour to our children, whose futures we must protect. The first few months will be hard, there is no doubt. But it will force a change in behaviours that will be positive,”

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Apart from India, many other countries have willingly brought in PP nonwoven eco friendly bags to keep the need to use environment-friendly products in mind. To support that, BagsGuru provides the best eco friendly bags that look rich, aesthetic and best suited for marketing perspective.